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Translation of business/commercial documentation

Translation of PR-materials and marketing documents is a delicate matter. Any minor inaccuracy or barely noticeable distortion of the meaning or significance of specialized terms, can end up with all your work going down the drain. You also need to preserve all the power of emotional communication to encourage customers to purchase. A good-quality translation of an article or any other text is impossible without a deep knowledge of the market. The translator also needs to be familiar with the features of the material intended to attract the target audience and have experience of creating «selling» texts.

Our company experts possess all these qualities: our translators and editors possess knowledge of specialized copywriting while our consultants are marketing professionals.

Each month, the company carried out more than 100 orders related to translation of documentation. The main part of this is the translation of commercial or business papers as well as brochures and leaflets.

Our experts translate agreements, contracts, constituent documents (including statutes) and tenders. We can also translate flyers, business plans, customs documents, acts and statutory materials.

Companies which benefit from our services include: GTK TV Stolitsa, European Licensing Company, Coleman Services, Mauer Group, Bellerage Vostok, GAO All-Russia Exhibition Centre (VVC), SUI proekt, UK Metalloinvest, RUSBAS, Odgers Berndtson and others.

High-quality translation of commercial documentation requires an excellent knowledge of languages as well as compliance with the rules of administrative documents and document style adopted in the country of destination. We use translators who have many years of experience in different business sectors. Their work is monitored by the customer and all details are agreed in advance. The text is proofread during order processing as our professional translators submit the various parts of the translation.

In addition to our main activity, we can provide the following services: